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Our deepest fear?

We are Powerful

My journey to self-love is just like yours.

On Being You. . . self-love is your birthright.

Regardless of where you are on your self-love journey it's wise to have a beginner's mind. Hi, I'm Joe Syrowik and I've been on the path for 36 years and learn something new daily that connects me more deeply with myself.

How about you? How is your self-love journey going?

To learn more about my self-love journey simply click here. Here you'll find a very personal share, which I hope you'll connect and resonant with. 

In terms of the “basics” I was born in Detroit, Michigan, in 1962. The day was Christmas morning at 3:50 AM. My mom reminds me her labor was 17 hours after being admitted to the hospital Christmas Eve morning. . . and, that I owe her. Thanks, Mom! 

I attended college at Michigan State University in 1986 and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications with a minor in Advertising. Early on I worked at Detroit advertising agencies and was fortunate enough to work on the Chrysler Corporate account when Lee Iacocca was Chrysler's President. Part of my job required going to Europe to help implement programs. Over two years I traveled to Europe 10 times and even stayed five weeks on one trip. The experience was amazing. Europe is one of my favorite areas in the world with beauty, culture, history, food and wonderful people everywhere. It's been years since I've been and am ready to go back. 

I returned to MSU for my MBA in 1999 at the age of 39. I knew this was an "advanced age" for most who get advanced degrees. However, I have always enjoyed learning new things and knew it would be valuable. By then I served various leadership roles in advertising and marketing for several companies. After earning the MBA my experience expanded to membership marketing as I joined the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants as their Director of Membership. 

In 2015 I opened a yoga studio. What, a yoga studio? How and why as this could not have been further from my career path, right? It was my journey to self-love that had other ideas. Click here to learn about my journey to self-love. Called Peace Frog Yoga it was a vibrant and loving studio where students connected with body, mind and spirit all while being nurtured in a loving community. 

During this time, I met the love of my life. My soulmate and partner. Michele is true light and love and I hope you get the opportunity to meet her one day. Likewise, I hope you’ll get to meet Jasper (our 5 year old Vizsla) who also came into my life during the Peace Frog days. He’s pure energy and unconditional love and you’ll likely agree after spending just five minutes with him. Pics of these two beautiful beings are below and I consider them key members of my On Being You Team. 

Throughout life the desire to love myself always beckoned. It was my heart's yearning to find the good in me. This is because I struggled mightily to recover from what many would call a challenging childhood. Still, I would not change one thing experienced on this journey. It has made me the uniquely beautiful person I am today. With this beauty I also see my humanity and the frustrations that come with it. But it doesn’t mean I love myself less. The journey has given me the self-awareness, the self-compassion, the self-forgiveness and the self-acceptance to truly love myself. 

My purpose and calling for the rest of my life is simple. It is to help you re-connect with yourself. It is to witness and reflect your inherent goodness . . . and to inspire you to reclaim this truth for yourself.

You were born lovable and remain lovable in this very moment. Know this. Feel this. Live this. 

The self-love journey is not necessarily easy. What, however, is the alternative? To live a daily life of sadness, frustration and fear? Therein lies twists and turns, self-deception and lies. . . the ways we keep ourselves from self-love are many. The cost in unhappiness and pain on such a path is great.

Willie Nelson once said. . .

"We create our own unhappiness. The purpose of suffering is to help us understand we are the ones who cause it."

I am living proof of this. Having suffered plenty, I have found my way home to true self-love. I am blessed and honored to share how you can do it, too. 

How much are you currently suffering? Yet, still you are the love you have always been seeking. 

I hope you have opportunity to visit Michele, Jasper and I in Western North Carolina. We’re just outside of Asheville. Since Detroit I lived in Raleigh-Durham, NC; Washington, D.C.; Naples, FL; Dunedin, FL and now Western North Carolina. Without a doubt, the mountains and diversity of nature here are incredible. We’re blessed to call it home. In the future we look to have yoga and personal growth retreats and hope you’ll join us. Plus, our property looks down on a valley from 4,300’ above and know you’ll find it the perfect place to connect with all that is beautiful within you.

 May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be free from pain and suffering.


 September 28, 2022

My Mission

"To witness and reflect your inherent goodness and inspire you to reclaim and live from this truth for yourself."

Did you know the Arabic word for Human Being (you and me) is "insana"?

The word "insana" is derived from the word "nasiya" and means "to forget".

Our nature is to forget. . . especially the inherent goodness that lives in us and is our essence. It is this inherent goodness you were blessed with at birth.

What is inherently good in you that you often forget?

Girl with Paint (low res)

My Core Values

The following quote by Marianne Williamson expresses my values so powerfully no other words are needed. . .

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?'

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

Read this quote again and again. Let its wisdom wash over you. Allow its truth to seep into your being.

Your unconscious.

Know this. . .

I see your inherent goodness. I know you are lovable. It's time for you to remember. It's time for your journey to self-love.

Meet On Being You

Jasper Mountain (low res)

Jasper Syrowik

High Energy

Unconditional Love

Joe in Meadow (low res)-1

Joe Syrowik

Self-Love Guide

Here to Inspire

Michele (low res)

Michele Gholson


Pure Light

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